Seoul University student eats Cattelan banana art installation for feeling "hungry"

Article: Seoul University student eats art installation banana worth 100 million won... criticisms rain on him "Did he do it for attention?"

Source: Han via Naver [English article here]

[+2,296, -15] The best medicine for an attention seeker is not give him any attention. He should be embarrassed of himself, tsk tsk tsk.

[+1,583, -7] It's even funnier to me that he reported himself to the media

[+740, -9] One of the most basic fundamentals of art is creativity. He copied the whole performance, and he should feel embarrassed. He really thought he could get free attention by copying another man's performance.

[+583, -22] What's the point of being a Seoul University student if this is how you behave yourself?

[+489, -49] He's terrible for eating the banana but you can't be serious about calling that banana a piece of art

[+134, -2] He was strategic enough to film himself eating the banana and then report it to the media himself, that's so icky... It's like he was too drunk off his desperation to be a 'free spirit' but was too scared to go all the way. He could've wrecked a more expensive piece of art at Leeum but he picked one where he knew he wouldn't get into too much trouble. All this just to end up plagiarizing someone else's performance in the end.

[+112, -0] He's majoring in aesthetics and yet is starting his career with plagiarism?

[+75, -0] Not an ounce of creativity or talent ㅋㅋI recommend that he drops out of school ㅋㅋ

[+62, -0] His performance lacks any merit by the fact that he dressed up for this whole thing and reported it all to the media himself ㅋㅋㅋㅋ Not only is his performance plagiarized, but he should've just  ate the banana on his way home to be a real 'cool guy'

[+57, -1] The fact that he reported his act himself makes him detestable to me

[+41, -2] Well there goes his chance of finding a job in the art industry ㅎ
- If anything, this will probably be considered a resume builder in their world
- Look at all of the hundreds of articles about him right now, this will be a career builder for him...

[+40, -2] I think I would've had more respect for him if this whole performance wasn't plagiarized for the sake of it or all just to get some attention but rather a critique of the fact that he finds a banana taped to the wall closer to a scam than a piece of art... Instead, he cheapened his message by reporting his act to the media himself.

[+35, -2] Seoul University must not be as prestigious as once thought if they're taking kids like him now...

[+30, -0] He knew this would get attention, that's why he's dressed in Thom Brown... Tsk, there's no creativity in any of this.


Article: Why are netizens so cold towards the Seoul University student who ate the '100 million won' banana when the artist himself is okay with it?

Source: Chosun via Naver

[+2,375, -10] Everything about him just feels calculated. I'm sure he had visions of grandeur by behaving this way but we all saw right through him and he'll just be remembered as another attention seeker, nothing more.

[+697, -25] I think the problem people have with him is that he felt "hungry" so he took something that belonged to someone else and felt entitled to it... That's not normal. 

[+116, -0] No one cares because he plagiarized the whole act anyway

[+91, -0] People are cold towards him because he copied something that already happened overseas, and he went around telling everyone that he's a Seoul University student

[+74, -0] He's just an attention seeker. He claims to have eaten it because he was hungry but that's so fake and boring.

[+56, -1] If you're going to seek attention, come up with something fresh... why would you copy something someone else already did. That already puts you on the lower end of the scale.

[+34, -0] He'd be getting less hate if he was more creative about it. He basically just copied someone else and hoped to get famous for it, which people find repulsive.
