DC Gallery's dangerous 'depression community' found to be the culprit behind a number of latest teen suicides

Article: Another teen student live streamed her attempt at taking her life... man from "depression gallery" community was at the scene with her

Source: E-Daily via Naver

[+247, -8] How many attempts have there been already? Nothing is more precious than the life of a human's. One life has already been lost, and the KCC needs to ban this community to prevent more attempts. The police also need to thoroughly investigate this and punish those who have been confirmed to push these people to such decisions.

[+270, -52] The whole DC Inside community needs to be shut down

[+150, -6] That's so terrifying. Whoever made that post on the depression gallery saying, "We are gathering people who want to take their lives together" and jail them. These people are taking children away from their families and making money off of their lives. They should never be forgiven.

[+127, -1] The KCC needs to get on this. There are people dying because of this site.. we can't just stand by and watch. Everyone in that community needs to be held responsible as accomplices to s*icide.

[+90, -6] Can we please just create a country that kids can live happily in? It's been so long since our country first ranked #1 as the most teen s*icides because of the pressures and expectations our society and their parents pile on them. Just the fact that they were born makes them a precious life as it is, why can't we help them live happy lives full of dreams!

[+29, -0] Our society has grown way too fast to the point where it's not so bizarre that we've all gone crazy from it... Our generation in their teens and twenties have grown up in a completely different time from us, and we must start to make changes for the sake of the future children behind them. No more lives full of endless studying, testing, and employment competition. Other than the top 20% who are truly studious and meant for their studies, the rest are living in hell... and it's time that we create a society that makes it okay for them to pursue other avenues in life.

[+10, -1] I'm sure the gallery is just thinking that they're not responsible because it was the teen who chose to jump in the end... They don't realize that they are mental murderers by driving these kids to this point.

[+7, -1] Last in happiness, last in birth rate, top in s*icide rate... Instead of getting drunk off how far we've come, how about we take a look at the hard reality of our country right now... We are some of the unhappiest people in the world~

[+6, -1] It's obvious these kids have already been so wounded by our society that they've been left with no choice but communities like this... Shutting down these sites will change nothing if we don't get to the root of the issue.
