Code Kunst revealed to be in a longterm relationship

Article: Code Kunst revealed to be dating a beautiful non-celebrity on 'I Live Alone'

Source: Insight via Instagram

[+1,093] As expected, the sensible men are always taken... 😢

[+723] I wonder if it was bothering the girlfriend that he wasn't going public with her... They've been dating for five years and he kept it quiet all this time only to put it in the news now~~~

[+587] I had a feeling that was a couple ring ㅜ

[+508] I think the girlfriend demanded to go public because viewers have been shipping him with Park Narae 🤔

[+332] No wonder he's so sweet~~😍

[+328] Ah, really? That's the saddest news of the day ㅠㅠ

[+324] This feels about as surprising to me as when Jung Hyung Don and Taeyeon were on 'We Got Married' together 14 years ago but Jung Hyung Don suddenly got married to another woman

[+309] I have a feeling the girlfriend demanded to go public ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

[+195] Of five years..? Hul.

[+106] I noticed the ring so I figured he had a girlfriend..

[+73] Jealous of that beautiful non-celebrity woman...

[+58] ㅋㅋㅋ Park Narae

[+54] I'm thinking the girlfriend saw his episode with Park Narae and demanded to go public ㅋ

[+46] As expected
