Chinese tourist loses Chanel bag with money inside, good Samaritan finds and returns it intact
Source: Asia Economy via Naver
[+360, -1] I know that this is always the right thing to do but it still makes me proud and grateful to the person who returned it
[+113, -0] And yet I still haven't found my wallet with my library card and ID in it ㅠㅠ they tried to take the bus with it! I hope they get heat stroke!!!
[+107, -3] We are a country of bicycle thieves, we don't steal anything else
[+58, -9] We have a lot of bad people too~
[+22, -1] You would think that seeing the money inside might've persuaded them otherwise but they headed straight to report it. I wish them all the luck in the world.
[+11, -0] When Koreans see a bag sitting alone at a cafe, they're mostly thinking about how they can steal the seat, not how they can steal the bag
[+11, -1] There's just too many CCTV to risk stealing anything ㅋㅋ I think that has a lot to do with it
[+7, -0] I once lost my wallet and someone sent it to my address with only my cards and IDs. They took the money ㅡㅡ
[+6, -0] CCTV will catch anything, that's why
[+4, -0] What an amazing person! What a way to raise up our national prestige!!