BewhY completes military service

Article: 'Baby daddy' BewhY to be discharged today (22nd)... pictures of extroverted service released

Source: Insight via Instagram

[+276] Aebewhy ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ hilarious (aebe = father)

[+148] It's amazing of BewhY to accomplish this considering how easy it is to find other rappers who've found this way and that to get out of service

[+55] The pictures are meant to be funny but he still looks handsome in them

[+30] Wait, he's already getting discharged? 

[+27] His hair's longer as a soldier than as a civilian

[+1] He looks really good in uniform! I want to see him wear it on stage one day

[+1] Sad that just fulfilling your duty to your country is considered something worthy of praise now

[+-] I didn't find out till now that not only was he serving in the military, but he's also a baby daddy;;;;;

[+-] He's been bulking up

[+-] He looks good in uniform 👏
