Park Min Young's ex-boyfriend explains the extent of his financial involvement with her, Sung Yuri's husband found to be associated

Article: "The only thing I ever bought her was a Chanel bag, I have bad credit"... Park Min Young's ex-boyfriend speaks up

Source: Insight via Instagram

1. [+186] If he amassed his wealth by just selling cellphones... then perhaps I need to consider a career change 

2. [+162] I don't know why everyone keeps lying

3. [+156] So he claims to have bad credit but he also has a chauffeur? And his car is a Maybach? His watches are fake? There are just way too many lies going on with his story that don't add up.

4. [+79] If he truly thinks all it takes is selling cellphones to amass his wealth and afford a personal chauffeur and Chanel bags, then I'm going to quit my job tomorrow ㅋ

5. [+73] Liar... if he truly had bad credit, I doubt Park Min Young would've dated him to begin with

6. [+40] Aigoo~~~~~~ just investigate them all. I feel suspicious about Park Min Young's unni, too. There's something more to dig here.

7. [+23] This story is about as ridiculous as 'Love in Cotnrat' ㅋㅋㅋ

8. [+15] People are only interested in the fact that he dated her.. so I don't get why he's making up all these lies about himself talking about how his money is from selling cellphones, how he has bad credit, how his house is borrowed, etc... aigoo,,,

9. [+13] The lies are getting worse

10. [+11] These clarifications are useless.. he would've been better off just staying quiet ㅎㅎㅎ

11. [+11] A lie every time he opens his mouth ㅋㅋ

12. [+6] We all know you're her sponsor, okay? It's already hit the news that you guys were close enough for her to be introduced to your parents and all and vice versa.

13. [+3] Nothing about him is believable.. he claims to have bad credit but drives expensive cars, has expensive hobbies, is dating a pretty celebrity... What a pathetic liar.

14. [+6] If there's truly nothing to your name, then I wonder why Park Min Young dated you?? What did she lack??

15. [+4] So some man with bad credit who sells cellphones for a living randomly ended up dating a celebrity? Even a dog wouldn't believe your story ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ


Article: Ahn Sung Hyun let Park Min Young's ex-boyfriend borrow his 100 million won car... wife Sung Yuri claims "I didn't know"

Source: Chosun via Naver

1. [+5,983, -31] Borrowing cars within family is a sensitive topic already, I can't even imagine how close he must've been with the ex-boyfriend if he was willing to let him borrow his Maybach. And I don't think it was simply letting him borrow a car but letting him use his name to buy it. This ex is a former criminal with bad credit... all of his transactions have to be done under the table, and I wonder how deep their relationship actually runs.

2. [+4,738, -41] The husbands of all female celebrities seem to be scammers ㅋㅋㅋ

3. [+821, -8] Female celebrities like this always try to marry chaebol-type guys to make their image look classy until they end up divorced and spin the story of how they were fooled by the man's lies and how they're responsible for his death... crying and whining about how they're an innocent single mom. They couldn't have been so unaware of their husband's true nature... especially when they know that they aren't traditional chaebols with obscure, ambiguous jobs but are still able to spend a ton of money... anyone would know that there's something suspicious going on, but these female celebrities all act blind and oblivious and move forward with the marriages. When it all ends up a bust, they play innocent in the end, like they had no idea they were marrying these criminals, and that they were truly marrying for love.

4. [+510, -8] I remember thinking it was weird that Sung Yuri was marrying some unknown golf player who seemed rich without reason. Looks like he was involved with a scammer all along.

5. [+405, -5] This makes me suspicious of Kim Na Young as well. Her ex-husband ended up in jail for scamming a ton of people. They got divorced and she ended up as a single mom, going on varieties and all that with that story until finally somehow amassing 9 billion won and purchasing a whole building for herself. Even the house she's living in now is 9 million won a month in rent.

6. [+405, -9] I remember Sung Yuri randomly announcing her own cosmetic company... but with what brains? What money? 

7. [+392, -1] Everyone is involved with this guy like a pyramid... I thought this whole scandal was just between Park Min Young and the ex but now we have Sung Yuri and Ahn Sung Hyun, Lee Jung Jae... this guy seems bigger than we're thinking. There's something really fishy going on! 

8. [+384, -4] Ugh, something smells rotten about all of this... some dirty money is being exchanged all around. A secret ploy by the rich to keep their wealth to themselves. And they all somehow have a celebrity wife by their side..

9. [+346, -5] I have a friend who works as a celebrity journalist and they told me that a lot of celebrities end up shotgun marrying their sponsors. You would think celebrities of higher status wouldn't accept sponsors but they do it anyway because if something happens and the sponsor is similar in age to them, they can just spin it as a lovers' story and the public will understand...

10. [+329, -60] Seeing stuff like this makes me think Lee Hyori chose the best partner for herself out of them all..

11. [+248, -14] The real chaebols with money don't actually marry celebrities. They'll date them and have their fun but never marriage... it's always the thugs who make their money in unscrupulous ways that are willing to marry celebrities.

12. [+185, -6] Sung Yuri's hypocrisy makes me laugh. I remember she acted so religious with Lee Jin all the time and bullied Lee Hyori for drinking and dating around... but look at where she ended up now. In a job that has nothing to do with religion, married to a guy purely for his money ㅋㅋㅋ what a hypocrite. Lee Hyori may not be religious but at least her love is real. She also doesn't have to sit around with rich people and entertain their whims like Sung Yuri does, tsk.
