Court orders Choi Jong Bum to pay a sum to Goo Hara's family

Article: Court orders Choi Jong Bum to pay Goo Hara's family 78 million won for her assault + blackmail

Source: Chosun via Naver

1. [+2,318, -33] The fact that he killed a person and only got a year in jail with less than 100 million won in penalty... this country is so good to criminals.

2. [+514, -20] Only 78 million won for killing someone...? What a bargain sale...

3. [+466, -3] Hara would still be alive if she had never met him..

4. [+268, -4] And that money will be paid to a mother who never even raised Hara. So easy for everyone to make money. 

5. [+179, -0] This man may not have physically murdered her with a knife but he pushed her to her death by blackmailing her with a video. What a terrible person.

6. [+119, -7] He looks so normal and yet he's so evil

7. [+80, -1] Rumor has it that he has opened a whole chain of his own hair salons and that he's doing bigger and better than ever. I can't believe brainless idiots are making hair appointments with him at all???

8. [+76, -0] Don't forget his name. May Goo Hara rest in peace.

9. [+55, -0] He was charged with illegally filming her and using it to blackmail her with, which ultimately led to her suicide, and he's getting away with it all with a one year jail sentence and 78 million won in fees? We really need to redo our entire legal system.

10. [+41, -1] Are they serious? He caused someone's death and only a year in jail? 78 million won? It's because we have judges like this that we keep getting one ridiculous sentence after the other.
