Japanese netizen writes in Hangeul to warn Koreans of typhoon dangers, melts hearts of Korean netizens

Article: "Don't leave the house" Japanese netizen who experienced Hinnamnor first writes in Hangeul to warn Koreans

Source: Kukmin Ilbo via Nate

"To all Koreans, there is a very strong typhoon headed your way. Wind speeds may go up to 60 m/s by the time it hits Jeju Island. When Japan hit wind speeds of 57.5 m/s, big iron plates were flung around like pieces of paper. Trucks were overturned as well. Please be careful. And never leave your homes."


1. [+1,274, -36] Thank you so much~ it gives us strength

2. [+1,196, -32] Thank you for your advice

3. [+1,163, -36] A Japanese with a warm heart

4. [+47, -2] There are kind Japanese people too

5. [+42, -6] I can feel that this person is genuine

6. [+36, -6] Arigato gozaimasu

7. [+20, -2] Thank you so much for your warm heart and concern

8. [+16, -2] There are a lot of kind-hearted Japanese people... it's just that they have a lot of evil politicians...

9. [+14, -0] This recharges my love for mankind ㅜㅜ

10. [+13, -3] We are all one world. Thank you. Arigato gozaimasu!!!

11. [+12, -2] In both Korea and Japan, it's always our politicians who are the issue... as for the rest of us, we all live the same lives with the same concerns...

12. [+10, -0] I feel thankful for this person. And they live in Okinawa too so I trust their words even more.
