Fans raise location concerns for safety and traffic at BTS' free Busan concert

Article: BTS free concert in Busan raises concerns about safety

Source: Idol Issue via Instagram

1. [+131] It never made sense from the beginning that BTS would be putting on af ree concert

2. [+103] It's not only safety concerns but also the hotels in the area driving up prices by the thousands and canceling on existing reservations. I'd rather the concert just announce a fixed ticket price that includes lodging in the area... 🔥

3. [+76] The Busan city mayor Park Hyung Joon (and his family and friends) own land in the area. Why else would he demand to hold the concert in an area that's considered the middle of no where with lacking transportation and safety issues? He obviously wants to get the area up and running so he can make money for himself.

4. [+20] So anyone who makes it in by 9 am will basically be forced to stand in the middle of no where with no shade from the sun... and with a crowd that big and the streets all clogged up, it will be difficult for any emergency ambulances to get in if something were to hapopen. Even with all these concerns, the concert organizers refuse to consider the Asiad stadium, which would be a much better option. To the people of Busan!! Look at how your tax money is being wasted!!! 😑😑

5. [+9] There is not one thing about this concert that I like aside from BTS. It's the worst possible scenario and I'd rather the whole thing be canceled. If even fans are hoping for it to be canceled, imagine how bad the situation actually is... and it makes me angrier to think that the organizers are not going to relent on any of these issues. They're remaining stubborn when they should be scouting a new location instead...

6. [+4] The Busan mayor owns land around the area of the concert. The concert land itself is also going to be used for construction of apartments later. At this moment, however, there aren't enough roads around the area to allow permits for construction. A BTS concert will certainly prove that there aren't enough roads to handle traffic, which will make it easier for the land owner to obtain said permits. This was never about winning a bid, it was just about people abusing their power. 

7. [+1] Would it be an exaggeration for me to think that people might just push themselves off the land into the ocean...? 


Article: Busan motels going for 610,000 won a night on the day of BTS concert... Busan city warns of strict response

Source: Kukmin Ilbo via Naver

1. [+1,513, -11] Just cancel the whole thing. People are being so embarrassing about this.

2. [+239, -7] What kind of concert are they expecting to be able to hold on land in the middle of no where? How are they going to handle 100,000 people in an area with no proper place for bathrooms, food, or lodgings? Are there even buses that go there? You have to walk forever to even get to the concert. This seems like a ploy to get BTS into hate!

3. [+199, -13] Turning this into an online concert would be better. We're in a surge and I'm really concerned about all the safety issues, as well as the scammers running around.

4. [+79, -1] Please just change the location

5. [+51, -2] Just change the location. Why does it have to be there??? There's nothing there because it's a fishing village. The organizers turned down plenty of decent stadiums so I looked up this location they settled on and it's just a small and quiet fishing village. Why? Have they looked into not only the traffic getting there but if there's even enough parking for everyone?

6. [+43, -1] If 100,000 fans need to walk 20 minutes to get to the area, isn't that going to clog up both two-lane roads? I heard there aren't any other sidewalks either. How are BTS or the other higher ups going to get in? Fly in? It's going to take all day to squeeze 100,000 people in. Can these organizers please at least run a simulation before finalizing decisions like this? We're going to end up an international embarrassment on the news if this goes badly. Have you even considered what to do about bathrooms and trash?

7. [+42, -2] I'm from Busan and wondering why it's being held somewhere in such open sun ã…  The location is such a quiet fishing village with nothing much to see. A lot of people from other cities are going to be coming in and I think this was the wrong choice of town to promote our city through ã… 

8. [+37, -1] I've been living in Busan for 25 years and I've never once visited that town. There's nothing there and I have no idea why a concert would be held there. It's just a stop to get to Gijang from Haeundae, and it's always a point of slow traffic on the weekends too. I can't even imagine how bad traffic will be on the day of the concert. Whoever chose this location is unbelievably foolish. I remember one of my professors said that Busan is an example of terrible city planning and I feel it every day that I live here.

9. [+24, -0] The majority of the concertgoers are going to be international fans, no? Please stop embarrassing our country like this. You motel scalpers are traitors to our country.

10. [+21, -0] Just don't bother sleeping the night in Busan. Kill some time by the beach after the concert and then take the first train home the next morning. Let these scalpers drown in their own trickery. 
