NFT platform Dunamu cuts talks with JYP and contracts with Hybe

Article: "No more JYP!" Dunamu cuts ties with JYP due to Bang Shi Hyuk influence?

Source: Herald Economy via Naver

1. [+751, -184] Hybe has no artist left in their company to make them any money outside of BTS... and no income once BTS joins the army... which is why they're so obsessed with getting them exemptions even after they said they promised to serve but now no longer want to.

2. [+280, -65] Hybe, the army exemption broker company

3. [+144, -6] Bang Shi Hyuk needs to go on a diet ㅋㅋ

4. [+90, -16] NFT = scam

5. [+32, -1] That was really awful and sly of Hybe ㅡㅡ!! JYP fighting!!

6. [+36, -6] Hybe's going to end up like Yoo Seung Joon the second BTS doesn't go to the army

7. [+22, -2] Bang Shi Hyuk needs to stop with the media play and send BTS to the army!

8. [+26, -8] Bang Shi Hyuk just looks full of greed to me

9. [+18, -0] To my son, who is in the army crawling on the floor because he was born to a family with no wealth or fame. I love you. Please discharge safely.

10. [+17, -2] Bang Shi Hyuk is nothing but a bubble and it's time that the bubble pops

11. [+12, -1] Quite arrogant of Hybe considering they have nothing without BTS

12. [+12, -2] Once BTS joins the army... what is there left to make Hybe special?

13. [+11, -2] Hybe still gives the impression of new money... what would they be without BTS??? TXT's achievements aren't that different from the achievements of competing agencies...

14. [+5, -0] I think this decision is best for JYP... I don't know much but I don't see this NFT stuff retaining any meaning...

15. [+4, -0] These Dunamu and Hybe guys have no ethics or morals. I get that money makes the world go round but they made promises with JYP first only to contract with Hybe in the end. What's funny about Hybe is that they knew JYP was in talks with them first but still pulled the rug like this.
