Mirae's Dohyun pens apology letter for making fun of Billie's Tsuki

Video: Mirae's Dohyun apologizes for copying and making fun of Billie's Tsuki's facial expressions

Source: TBig News via YouTube

1. [+117] I don't even know who this boy group Mirae is

2. [+101] This dude may know Tsuki but I doubt Tsuki knows who this dude is

3. [+95] Tsuki didn't even do anything to him, why's he being like this to her. Tsuki has great facial expressions and is a great dancer.. so rude of him to make fun of such a hard worker. I dare him to try acting like this in front of her, I doubt he could do it.

4. [+55] Le Sserafim's scandal is so big that this just pales in comparison, it's almost cute ㅋㅋㅋ

5. [+49] Honestly, I'm a fan but this did cross the line for me;; I gave up on being a fan of all of the members. He's always been known as the comedic member but this isn't it;; and most fans in the fandom are of my opinion. Dohyun's actions are worthy of being kicked of the group. Dongpyo is really the only one holding this group together and most of the new fans are coming in through him so it makes me upset that people are making fun of them for being a flop group because of actions like this.

6. [+38] Does he not know how to behave in society yet? That it's wrong to make fun of others like this? I'm sure this is the first time many are coming to know about him through this action.

7. [+43] And what nugu is Mirae?

8. [+9] Park Shiyoung is so, so kind... and I hope Dohyun filters out the hate and takes the real criticisms towards his actions to heart and does better next time ㅠ

9. [+8] It's a bit shocking to me that he would make fun of another idol when he's an idol himself. Just because she's a female? She's basically his colleague in the same industry... what did he gain out of making fun of a fellow colleague and subsequently tainting the image of his own profession? The industry is heavily favored towards girl groups right now so he should really know better to work hard and do better than this. 

10. [+7] He must really be a thoughtless and inconsiderate person

11. [+7] I don't know who either of them are but didn't the female idol get headlines for her over the top facial expressions? Maybe he just tried to one up that by exaggerating it more?
- [+14] There's a difference between simply copying someone and 'exaggerating' their actions ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ and it wasn't just a little bit of an exaggeration, he flipped his eyes back and stuck his tongue out, which I take to be a big deal

12. [+10] This is something a simple apology can finish... especially compared to what Le Sserafim's Kim Garam is going through right now. Now on to the next news...
