How idol fans are categorized within fandoms
Article: Usual split among idol fans
Source: Idol Issue via Instagram
#1 Fan who has a bias: likes all of the members but likes one member, in particular, a bit more
#2 Individual fan: mainly likes one specific member
#3 Akgae: Only likes one specific member and considers the rest of the members the enemy
1. [+155] Just seeing the word akgae pisses me off
2. [+31] #1 for me, I just like Wonwoo a bit more ^_^
3. [+22] I think most people join fandoms starting as #1 and then end up splitting off into #2 or #3... I like Choi Soobin a bit more but I love all of the members too
4. [+9] Biases are meant to be collected
5. [+16] How about fans who switch to a new bias every day of the week 😂 anyway, akgaes should go die 🤨
6. [+25] Akgaes are not fans but antis
7. [+4] Just reading the word akgae puts me into a seizure
8. [+2] What about fans who are forced into becoming akgaes because the other members are terrible people?
9. [+3] What about fans who just like everyone equally?
10. [+2] I'm #4, a fan of everyone