Anti-feminists bomb Jun Hyosung's video on dating violence with dislikes

Article: Jun Hyosung's video clip speaking out against dating violence gets bombarded with 'dislike' clicks "I worry every night about whether I can return home alive"

Source: Han via Naver

1. [+776, -105] "I worry about whether I can return home alive"? ㅋㅋ Where does she think we live, Somalia or Venezuela? ㅋ Jun Hyosung, have you ever suffered an actual robbery? You live your life doing everything you want to do... who do you think you're lying to?

2. [+417, -39] Enough's enough, this is just instigating more gender wars

3. [+93, -6] I think she crossed the line with this one ㅋㅋ... That's like saying the news about the wife who killed her husband for his insurance payout made me question "will my wife do that to me too?" ㅋㅋ Enough's enough.

4. [+84, -30] Honestly, when I was a bachelor, I thought women were overreacting about this stuff.. but now that I'm a married father, I get it. I think it's dangerous to think that the other gender is always wrong.

5. [+46, -5] I seriously burst out laughing at this. Does she think we live in some Somalia war zone country?? She's "worried" for her life every single day? ㅋㅋ This is just instigating more gender wars ㅋㅋㅋ

6. [+33, -0] Dating violence or any violence need to all disappear. You see one red flag and you need to break up with them immediately.

7. [+31, -3] It's funny how men will admit that women are the weaker gender, and yet they refuse to acknowledge the anxiety that follows that. Men need to stop calling it discrimination when we point that out and start considering how they would feel if a family member suffered dating violence too.

8. [+31, -11] As soon as stalking was outlawed, our country started getting 113 reports a day. I guess men and women are living different realities in this country. While women are being beaten, r*ped, and killed every day, men are the only ones who think Korea's crime rates are low and safe. Men need to shut their mouths when it comes to giving opinions in a world of dangerous possibilities that exist only to women. They don't seem to realize that they are supporting these acts of violence with that mindset.

9. [+22, -7] She should be grateful that men sacrifice two years of their youth to the army with no compensation that she's able to walk around at night safely at all. There are many countries where it's too dangerous for anyone to be out at night.

10. [+28, -16] Please don't speak about an experience that you personally don't know. If you have never lived life as a woman, then you can never know the pain that we go through, just like how I can never know the pain of the army because I was not born a man. One thing's for sure and it's that we live in a patriarchal society and that men are physically stronger. No matter how smart we are, we will be paid less for the same job. When we get married and have children, the children become our responsibility. Men only claim to "babysit". In regards to dating violence, which crime rate is higher? Man on woman or woman on man? Obviously man on woman. These comments are an utter mess!!!


Source: Money Today News via Instagram

1. [+1,683] We live in a world where you get hate just for speaking the truth ㅠㅠ

2. [+1,317] There's no reason to get mad over what she's saying unless you're guilty of it, right? And it's not like she said anything wrong so why is she getting hate?

3. [+1,336] Why are people hating on her... it's not like she's causing a gender war or anything...

4. [+342] It's really frustrating how men are always comparing the crime rates and safety in our country to other countries with lower standards of safety and acting like "we have it good~" instead of working harder to create a safer society than the one we have now ㅠ

5. [+392] Feeling scared is completely subjective. No matter how safe you think our country are, women are still allowed to feel scared. It's wrong to think of this as a gender issue.

6. [+234] What? So just because our country is safer compared to other countries, we don't have to work to improve our crime rates? It's ridiculous that men are asking us to feel satisfied at the current rates when we're constantly hearing news of dating violence and s*x crimes. It'll only be better for us as a society for us to create a safer environment for both men and women so why do men not want to do that?

7. [+703] Only men consider the safety in our country to be good. I wonder if they were women themselves, would they still be able to say that they feel safe walking home alone at night? Before they are a man, they need to remember that they're a human being and consider what it must feel like to be put in such unsafe situations. Why do men treat dating violence and getting home safely at night to be two different issues? This isn't a gender issue but rather a basic human right that everyone should get to have: to get to feel safe. 

8. [+220] Our country being safe aside, I have experience with my mother being stalked, with my nuna being followed by a drunken man, with many instances where I have had to step in and chase men away from my family. All of this just pisses me off no matter how safe people say our country is.

9. [+606] Are men not seeing the news? How can they say our country is safe when there are so many instances of dating violence? And murders?

10. [+104] People are too sensitive ㅋㅋㅋ there is nothing problematic about what she said
