Jun Hyosung works with Lakai to feature the hanbok in Times Square ad

Article: In celebration of Independence Movement Day (3.1), Jun Hyosung wears a hanbok on a New York Times Square ad

Source: Insight via Instagram

1. [+751] Honestly, I think Jun Hyosung has done enough where people should stop bringing up her past mistakes. Her statement was made from a place of ignorance, not belief, and she has done all she can to reflect ever since by getting Korean history certifications andraising awareness for comfort workers. She probably knows more about Korean history than the average person now. Someone of her fame could've easily gone off to China to make better money but she's still here putting up ads for our hanbok, which I find admirable.

2. [+354] Just Hyosung being Hyosung 👏👏👏

3. [+120] Pretty

4. [+102] Amazing

5. [+55] She's a good example of how to show reflection the right away

6. [+27] Thank you, kiddo ❤️

7. [+25] She looks beautiful~

8. [+22] Beautiful

9. I don't know what she said in the past for her to get hate but if she admitted to her mistake and studied up to make up for it, I think she deserves recognition for that

10. This is how you show that you are reflecting for your past mistakes and doing good for your country. You can never beat someone who works hard like this!!!
