Rapper Minty admits she lied about being 18 when she's actually 28 to get on 'High School Rapper'

Article: 'High School Rapper' Minty's age controversy -> admits to lying about age... "I'm not 18 but 28... I hid my age under pressure"

Source: Sports Chosun via Naver

1. [+3,283, -123] Lying about your age a whole 10 years is too dirty of a crime, no?

2. [+812, -10] Do you think TV is a joke?

3. [+512, -11] I can't believe they're still lying about age on TV these days

4. [+340, -15] Do shows not confirm age and all that stuff beforehand?

5. [+136, -2] I understand taking a year or two off your age but how do you call yourself a high schooler when you're nearing 30? That's quite ballsy of her. How did no one from her high school recognize her at all?

6. [+85, -2] She's the one who lied, what pressure is she talking about...

7. [+80, -0] It's not even like she lied about her age on 'Show Me the Money', she lied to compete on a show with teenagers. Her true colors have already shown here.

8. [+50, -1] What a bizarre b*tch!! She's the one who lied about her age and now she's complaining that she was stressed by it!!

9. [+42, -0] 10 years is a straight up scam

10. [+22, -0] The TV show is to blame, how could you not check that?
