Choi Siwon is honored to have SuJu perform at the Asian Games ending ceremony

Article: "An honor, so glad" Choi Siwon gives statement on SuJu's ending ceremony performance for the Asian Games

Source: Herald Pop via Nate

1. [+364, -27] Worry about raising your dog

2. [+335, -25] That Choi Siwon is so damn annoying

3. [+306, -52] Seeing SuJu after iKON actually made me feel so embarrassed. How can they be that untalented and call themselves representatives of Korea? Makes me sigh

4. [+36, -8] Their moves are so outdated, their stage is so cringe... acting like they're superstars, like they're dominating the stage..

5. [+30, -2] People keep calling them outdated but they've always had an outdated style. They only ever got popular for being under SM.

6. [+27, -9] SuJu's a has-been now. They all look like squids.

7. [+23, -2] What I found ridiculous is that I've never seen them perform so passionately like this on a Korean stage. The fact that they only worked so hard because they knew it was the Asian Games and that the whole world was watching... I never saw such energy before because I've been so used to them half a$$ing and lip syncing their Korean stages.

8. [+21, -2] So is that murder dog still alive?

9. [+19, -3] What happened to Donghae's style?

10. [+17, -3] They look like a Japanese group now ㅋㅋ I get that they grew older but why does it seem like they aged harder than Shinhwa ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

11. [+16, -2] I just want to know why... SuJu was invited to perform...???

12. [+16, -7 iKON was so much better~

13. [+14, -3] Bugsy, bite!!!!

14. [+12, -0] Even Shinhwa probably has better visuals and they're older

15. [+8, -6] Seeing SuJu after iKON made me think... ah.. so this is the type of music my parents were into..
