CCTV of police at the scene of Goo Hara's villa released

Article: Goo Hara's 'boyfriend assault' CCTV video released? Video only raises criticism + suspicions

Source: Aju Econ via Nate [video]

1. [+250, -19] Pension, cigarettes, living together, violence... the answer's all there..

2. [+197, -10] Man or woman, immediately report and break up with anyone who uses violence in a relationship

3. [+193, -11] Goo Hara is declining without end ㅠ

4. [+28, -7] Let's be real, the boyfriend let her hit him. If he really wanted to beat her back, she'd be hospitalized right now. She doesn't realize how grateful she should be and is accusing him of assaulting her too, tsk tsk.

5. [+27, -2] Just endless scandal for her

6. [+21, -1] Why does she continue down this path? She debuted at such a young age and is so rich now but with scandal after scandal... She should learn to love herself more. Educate herself, volunteer... there are so many different paths she can take.

7. [+17, -5] If he really beat her, she'd be hospitalized and his life would be over. That's gender discrimination for you.

8. [+11, -3] She must really have a temper...

9. [+8, -8] I think he instigated it. He was the one tapping her with his foot, as if Goo Hara's temper would stand that.

10. [+2, -0] At least she's not accusing him of trespassing or beating her like she's the victim in all of this


Article: Goo Hara claims "boyfriend kicked me with his foot"... police investigate CCTV

Source: OSEN via Nate

1. [+605, -66] Honestly, if she's telling the truth, I don't think I'd let that go either

2. [+392, -106] This is how it ends for her~~

3. [+294, -68] Amazing

4. [+49, -8] I personally don't understand the man. Even if she hit him, he basically tattled to the police... Was he not able to resolve it between the two of them? I feel like he's using her status as a celebrity against her...

5. [+38, -1] For her to scratch him means that their emotions were obviously out of control. There's no calm situation where scratching could result. Both parties have to be in a physical fight for that to happen.

6. [+21, -2] I'm really curious who her boyfriend is

7. [+19, -9] I think the fact that the man reported it to the police shows that he's pathetic

8. [+18, -4] Your celebrity career is over ㅋㅋ
