Hyuna poses in her flashy stage outfit

Article: Hyuna, a different kind of sexy 'high waisted sexy fashion'

Source: Herald Pop via Nate

1. [+306, -12] Honestly weird...

2. [+288, -15] She no longer looks sexy or pretty. Why does she keep taking pictures with this type of concept and facial expression?

3. [+227, -10] Why is she like this?

4. [+13, -1] Ah... I hate this...

5. [+11, -1] I don't find this sexy...

6. [+6, -3] She looks like those ajummas you'd see on TV shows that showcase bizarre people of the world

7. [+6, -1] She just looks high

8. [+6, -2] As old as she is now, I wish she'd tone it down on concepts like this

9. [+5, -1] What is that make up.....

10. [+5, -1] She seems obsessed with this type of look... that dirty, sexy look. Very obsessive. It's getting old and boring now... and there's barely anything charming about it. How many years has she been doing this concept?...

11. [+5, -1] Like a drunk pub girl ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

12. [+4, -0] What a shame since she looks just as good in a white t-shirt and jeans with a smile
