Peniel reveals 70% of his hair has grown back since he last confessed about hair loss

Article: 'Hello' BtoB Peniel "I haven't gone to the hospital since confessing my balding, 70% of my hair is recovered"

Source: X Sports News via Nate

1. [+629, -10] I'm really glad that he was brave enough to confess and that it's helping him out now

2. [+489, -2] Whatever it is, hiding it and keeping it to yourself will become poisonous! The more you try to hide your balding, the more hair you will lose from the stress of it. I hope we can live in a generation where people can be just as confident with balding hair too.

3. [+43, -0] If his hair loss improved after he confessed about it, then stress must've been a big part of his hair loss in the first place

4. [+33, -0] He has a pretty shaped head so he was pretty even with his head shaved bald~ I know balding is genetic but there's also a lot of hair loss that comes from stress. Sometimes it's better to just be open about it and relieve yourself from the stress of having to wear hats!! Grats, grats, he's looking good.

5. [+18, -0] Wow, he recovered?

6. [+15, -1] He even got it permed and dyed.. I'd be too scared to do that after it growing back

7. [+10, -0] I remember before that his hair loss was mostly stress, not genetics. He might've recovered from just confessing and relieving himself of the stress of it.. Cases like this are treatable.

8. [+7, -0] I feel bad for people with genetic balding. At least cases like this, the hair can come back.

9. [+6, -4] He permed and dyed his hair for someone concerned about hair loss

10. [+2, -0] I guess the act of confessing was enough to treat it
