Hyejung talks about her experience on 'Masked Best Singer'

Article: [Exclusive] Hyejung "My first stage without AOA on 'Masked Best Singer'... it was a lot of pressure"

Source: Sports Chosun via Nate

1. [+208, -29] She's really bad at singing

2. [+186, -27] So bad at singing... just made Choa's absence feel bigger

3. [+176, -57] For the lead vocal, she's really damn bad. All she is is tall with crap proportions and a jaw that looks like Kang Ta's. AOA is really a group that Seolhyun and Choa had to pull by the collars... Mina's pretty cute and the rest, well...

4. [+9, -1] FNC is pushing Hyejung lately after Seolhyun but they'd be better off supporting Mina

5. [+8, -3] She's pretty and her agency pushes her a lot but she never gets popular

6. [+6, -8] I thought her singing was decent enough... she has a pretty voice

7. [+5, -1] So she's the new vocal instead of Choa? Hmm? ㅎㅎ AOA is really separated by pre-Choa and post-Choa... and no matter how hard Seolhyun works, she's not going to be the next Suzy..

8. [+4, -0] With idol music becoming more popular, singing skills have dropped and nowadays skills that people would make fun of back then are being called "pretty decent"... that's the problem

9. [+4, -2] She looks like Soshi's Sooyoung ㅋㅋ

10. [+3, -1] I was quite surprised when she said she was the main vocal, sorry
