Animal rights organization demands 'Food Diary' be taken off air

Article: [Official statement] Animal rights organization, "We demand that 'Food Diary' be taken off air immediately"

Source: Sports Donga via Nate

1. [+842, -53] Whoever made this show seems like a psycho

2. [+836, -42] Why would you even name the animals ㅡㅡ raise them like you would actual farm animals... it'd at least fit the premise. Why would you give them affectionate names and then turn around and eat them?

3. [+674, -39] I think what the organization is trying to say is that there's nothing wrong with raising farm animal to slaughter and eat but the show is taking the point in a wrong turn

4. [+72, -4] There's nothing wrong with raising chickens to eat poultry. However... raising a chick from the moment it hatches from its egg and treating it like your own pet is honestly just a marketing tactic!!! If the show wanted to focus on a farm to table concept, then really focus on raising the animals like farm animals. Don't turn it into some pet show and then turn around and cook them all.

5. [+61, -2] I knew this show would get hate. Everyone who produced this has to be insane... did they really think this was some creative new idea? It's cruel and no different from eating your own pet.

6. [+56, -1] If you want to eat something, go buy it at the store. If you want to raise something, go raise a pet. Why would you make an emotional connection with an animal just to slaughter and eat? Pick one side, you idiots.

7. [+48, -2] What a terrifying show. These animals were born entirely for the show to make screentime off of just to be killed to be put on a table... I hope the producers and the celebrities involved think about the morality of their decisions.

8. [+38, -3] Psychos... There is a huge difference between farm animals raised to be slaughtered and pets raised like family at home ㅡㅡ who in the world would come up with such an idea?

9. [+32, -1] Just reading about this makes me shudder at how cruel it is. I like meat too but... it's best this show be taken off air.

10. [+28, -3] Wow, so what were they planning with the show? Showing the cute little chicks and the stars getting all connected and then cut to a scene of them eating it like "wow, that was delicious!" That gives me goosebumps...

11. [+24, -7] Psychos... I truly question their psychological state

12. [+23, -2] Yeah, take the show off air while we're being nice... psycho ba$tards...
