Actress Lee Chae Young takes Korea's loss to Sweden in the World Cup to heart

Article: Lee Chae Young, "I won't be going to vacation in Sweden"... reaction to World Cup Sweden match

Source: Mydaily via Nate

1. [+1,196, -101] So damn childish, all over a lost match ㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎ

2. [+1,108 -39] Guess she won't be going to Mexico or Germany either then

3. [+928, -40] Someone needs to block Lee Chae Young from SNS. Every time she posts something, you can hear the rocks rattling in her brain.

4. [+55, -13] We lost because we weren't good enough, what kind of childish logic is this, tsk tsk.

5. [+53, -2] Wow, didn't know it was possible to be so old and still think so childishly

6. [+44, -2] Tsk tsk, we lost because we were really damn bad, why blame Sweden ㅋㅋ

7. [+39, -2] Isn't she the same woman who took a secret picture of some foreign woman and made fun of her for being fat??

8. [+27, -1] With that logic, there won't be many places in the world you'll be able to visit..

9. [+22, -0] Well you'll have to stay in Korea then because there won't be anywhere else you'll get to go. Sweden's goalie was practically having a picnic and grilling samgyupsal in front of his goal the whole game.

10. [+21, -1] Imagine if any Swedes read this, how ridiculous they would think she is ㅋㅋ so childish
