Farm to table variety show 'Food Diary' earns criticisms for "cruel concept"

Article: "baby chick -> chicken stew?" First episode of 'Food Diary' has viewers questioning right from wrong

Source: Mydaily via Nate

1. [+1,579, -70] Yeah, I get that this variety is a farm to table concept... but please stop treating livestock as pets. This isn't some pet diary.

2. [+1,464, -76] What is the show's end game? Getting a few scenes of the stars crying because they can't bear to kill and eat the chickens they raised from birth? This isn't an issue of veganism, the show's whole premise is just funny to me.

3. [+893, -260] Now this is what I call a reality TV show. Sometimes it not always bunnies and rainbows. This is reality. We have to learn to be thankful for these precious lives.

4. [+83, -14] Who the f*ck raises livestock like this? No one would be able to eat cows or pigs if they raised them like pigs. What insane person would eat an animal they raised as a pet? This show is just baiting for controversy.

5. [+69, -40] I remember going to my grandma's in the countryside and we'd hack a chicken up for chicken stew... Since when did eating a chicken become something so cruel?... ㅋㅋ

6. [+58, -10] Will it even be possible for the stars to slaughter and eat something that they've been raising and taking care of since they were eggs?.. ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ What kind of show is this? ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

7. [+54l -20] Just why... this doesn't seem like a show good for children.. ㅠㅠㅠ

8. [+43, -1] The captions are already glamorizing them as pets by flashing words like 'baby', 'father', 'child rearing'... Farmers don't even look their livestock in the eye if they're meant to be slaughtered.

9. [+41, -20] I'm sure viewers will find this uncomfortable if they refuse to open their eyes to reality but closing your eyes doesn't change the fact that this is how it works. Our nation consumes a billion chickens in a year. In order to supply that demand, these chickens are forced to be born into a space smaller than an A4 piece of paper from birth for months until they're slaughtered. This is reality. Call it cruel all you want but you're also all shouting for chicken and beer every night too.

10. [+38, -3] I think this will be traumatic for the stars... I don't get what the point of the show is. Why would you raise animals with all your care and emotions only to eat them in the end...?
