Hyorin unveils provocative teaser image for her new single 'Dally'

Article: "Sexy dance"... 'Comeback' Hyorin shows off captivating behind

Source: X Sports News via Naver

1. [+149, -10] Too sexually provocative! Pisses me off

2. [+137, -8] Hul, thought it was a porno ad

3. [+128, -9] Isn't it a bit wrong to feature a picture like this on the main page? Such a provocative image... I like Hyorin but this is wrong...

4. [+110, -10] No wonder middle schoolers are a mess these days with idols like this...

5. [+82, -7] Just take the rest off, will ya

6. [+37, -5] This has crossed the line. Is it really necessary to take it this far? What an attention wh*re.

7. [+34, -3] These pictures are more fitting of a nude photobook than an album...

8. [+33, -3] What's the point of that picture? Her butt? Is her butt going to sing?

9. [+30, -3] Well obviously she's not going to dress like that on stage... I always thought short shorts that had the cheeks hanging out were too far. Can these idols please dial it down? My 6 year old daughter watches TV and copies what she sees...

10. [+27, -4] This is a bit much, please change the picture
