A glimpse into former anchorwoman Noh Hyun Jung's chaebol life as the daughter-in-law of Hyundai

Article: Former anchorwoman Noh Hyun Jung upholds the 7 rules of being a Hyundai daughter-in-law

Source: Sports Today via Nate

1. Always be humble
2. Act with caution
3. Don't act in a manner that draws attention
4. Vegetables must be bought from the market
5. Keep a strict record of purchases, down to every head of cabbage
6. Attendance to every funeral and death anniversaries are mandatory!
7. Always memorize the names of your grandparents

Other rules include also waking up by 5 am the latest, and preferably eating breakfast by 4:30 am.

1. [+174, -11] It's like they're living back in the Chosun era...

2. [+171, -7] They eat breakfast at 4:30 am...?

3. [+91, -8] That's a busy life, but I guess it's to be expected considering how successful they are

4. [+28, -0] This lifestyle isn't for everyone... I'd rather sleep in late on the weekends, cook up some ramen, and watch reruns in bed

5. [+21, -1] Those are the only rules? If I was guaranteed their fortune, I could follow them and take my stress out elsewhere

6. [+13, -0] Life is hard enough already, at least they have the money to feel better about themselves

7. [+11, -0] Not sure why people are calling the rules backwards... aren't most of the rules deserving of respect?

8. [+10, -0] Try keeping these rules for over 20 years~ you'll have climbed up to middle class by following it. I don't mean to defend chaebols but there's a reason these people are rich.

9. [+10, -0] What time do they eat lunch then

10. [+10, -3] ㅎㅎㅎㅎ Shows that chaebols aren't all rainbows and sunshine

11. [+10, -2] Just reading it makes me tired...

12. [+8, -3] I wonder what you have to want to marry into this... just love?


Article: "Modern bags with hanboks" Hyundai daughter-in-law Noh Hyun Jung's fashion for memorial service

Source: Star News via Nate

1. [+629, -13] All of you commenting that she doesn't look happy or that her life must be stuffy... as if you're in any position to be worrying over her life tsk tsk

2. [+432, -13] She and her husband live quite quietly but happily~~ must be nice not to have to worry about money ㅜㅜ

3. [+305, -17] I bet you people will be commenting that she doesn't look happy tsk tsk

4. [+29, -3] Why do people always say she's not happy though?? Do all of you get out of your cars laughing and giggling??? Especially when she's attending memorial services...

5. [+16, -1] She's lasted longer than I thought. I remember when news first got out that she's marrying into the Hyundai family, people thought she'd get divorced after 2-3 years. She looks good... sometimes smiling doesn't always mean you're really happy ㅋ
