MBC drama PD under investigation for sexual harassment

Article: MBC drama PD under controversy for sexual harassment 'placed on waiting list + investigations underway' "We will be strictly handling this"

Source: OSEN via Naver

1. [+1,819, -46] It's been a well known quiet fact that some PDs in the industry have been known for not only sexual harassment but receiving sexual favors. Did people really not know that? The few whose names have been released are only the ones who got caught, there are guys still out there doing just fine...

2. [+1,624, -38] He's done it once, he'll do it again. Punish him severely so he never thinks of doing it again.

3. [+1,175, -36] Go hard with the punishments on anyone who commits acts like this... and release their names too

4. [+1,178, -94] So they're not going to release the name?? Why is he on a waiting list?? Instead of being fired?

5. [+139, -10] For some reason, I feel like there are a lot of PDs who commit sexual harassment... just a hunch...

6. [+114, -4] Tsk tsk tsk, he can't even control himself, how can he manage the production of a whole drama

7. [+109, -4] Gotta break their wrists to keep their hands from wandering again. This type of stuff happens a lot at dinner parties, and this is why I hate dinner parties after work. We really need to change that about our culture.

8. [+93, -4] So who is he though ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ


Source: Nate

1. [+1,095, -27] It may seem like all these sexual harassment cases are coming out randomly at once now but this has always been happening, just that victims were too afraid to come forward with them.

2. [+894, -33] So he's done this habitually and they're still not firing him? If he's done this more than once, he should be thrown in jail... tsk tsk

3. [+335, -11] I hope that the victims continue to be brave and come forward to report all these dirty ba$tards... I bet there are a ton of animals who are worried right now

4. [+31, -0] Just castrate these guys

5. [+28, -0] So tired of all this A, B nonsense, just release the name already
