Disinterest in marriage continues to grow among young adults

Article: "Is there a reason to get married?"

Source: Herald Biz via Nate

1. [+1,860, -83] I've been married 5 years and have 2 kids and I know one thing for sure: if you're asking yourself "do I need to get married?" or "should I try getting married?" then don't do it. Going into marriage with that mindset will make you 100% regret it. Getting married means having to handle being infinitely responsible. It is never anything that should be seen as "for fun" or "for the experience" or "because you're in love".

2. [+1,526, -44] You'll regret getting married or not getting married but I've noticed that our society as it stands lacks a lot of patience and understanding towards one another so it's better for most people to live alone than to put pressure on others who live with them.

3. [+1,256, -75] I've been married for 2 years and have no kids but it's a fun life. I'm able to do what I want and all. It'd be great if we had a kid but I know it's not financially feasible for us so we've agreed not to at the moment. I'm satisfied with my life as it is.

4. [+187, -3] Marriage is not 'We Got Married' and child rearing is not 'Superman Returns'.

5. [+130, -27] Don't get married. I'm a newlywed of a year and with the holidays coming up, my heart's already beating in fear of what's to come. What I've learned after 13 months of marriage is that you'll be butting heads a lot with your in-laws and that they'll never be family no matter how nice they are to you. I don't think young women of today's mindset will be able to handle the social constructs that come with marriage.

6. [+96, -4] I think it'd still be great to have a partner in life to eat and share conversations with, even if you two don't necessarily go on to have kids.

7. [+84, -0] The more society advances, the more people prioritize their own personal freedom, which puts things like marriage and child birth on the backburner. This is something that countries like Japan have been experiencing for the past 20 years.

8. [+76, -3] One thing's for sure, marriage is not for the poor

9. [+74, -3] I think marriage is for people who are sure that they need to have a child in life. People who don't want children should never get marriage. Just stick to dating with other people who don't want marriage or kids. Kids create a tie between people that holds a marriage down but getting married without a tie like that just creates headache with all the politics that come with in-laws. There's no pros to getting married between people who don't want kids.

10. [+60, -1] One is lonely but two is miserable
