A Pink cancels fan signing due to another bomb threat

Article: A Pink rushes to cancel fan signing... "Another bomb threat call"

Source: Dispatch via Nate

1. [+1,436, -41] How many times is this going to go on? They need to do something about it... he's going to keep doing it if they don't go hard on the punishment

2. [+1,269, -162] Why aren't they doing anything about it? Or is this noise marketing because their last album was such a flop?

3. [+926, -339] Just seems like noise marketing from a has been girl group...

4. [+55, -13] Tsk tsk, he's an attention wh*re. He must not be afraid of anything considering he's wanted by the Interpol. Canceling 30 minutes before must suck for the fans and A Pink.

5. [+40, -1] How is he even supposedly installing these bombs if he lives overseas?

6. [+30, -0] Korea is super good at catching stuff like this so why not this time?????

7. [+26, -1] Why do they overreact every time... you know it's a prank call each time and yet they always do this... unless it's noise marketing?

8. [+22, -9] Just feels like noise marketing

9. [+19, -2] Such an insane waste of our tax money ㅡㅡ he's been doing this since June, figure something out... we already know his identity or is Interpol always slow like this?


Source: Naver

1. [+9,267, -77] Please catch him soon... ㅠㅠ

2. [+8,468, -71] Why is he doing this, tsk tsk, why would you live life like this ㅠ

3. [+6,744, -65] How many times already

4. [+5,721, -284] Why haven't they caught him?

5. [+2,676, -32] A Pink can't even do their schedules all because of this pathetic ba$tard, please catch him already

6. [+664, -7] I'm really curious how Canadian law works... why can't they even comply in the arrest of a guy like this???

7. [+525, -14] What a psycho...

8. [+515, -9] Seems like he only makes threats when it's events with other industry people involved like models or PR events...
