SS501 discusses a reunion for next year

Article: [Exclusive] SS501 discussing reuniting... members meet in Japan

Source: Starin via Nate

1. [+334, -1] Wow... with the same Kim Hyun Joong?

2. [+232, -14] Kim Hyun Joong already proved what a vile person he is with his paternity lawsuit and his image is too gutted to even go back to promoting. The other members barely had a presence in the group compared to him. They're trying to hold on to him to make money overseas and it's sad, really.

3. [+132, -11] No..... no....! You'll tank your group's image the minute you go back to promoting with Kim Hyun Joong. No, no, no, no, no, no, please ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ

4. [+18, -1] If they don't want to hear "birds of a feather flock together" they're better off staying out of contact with him

5. [+12, -6] They're has beens... and Kim Hyun Joong is an abortion addict ㅋㅋ utter trash

6. [+10, -0] Seems more like they're trying to reunite to promote overseas instead of Korea...

7. [+8, -0] Looks like they're out of money ㅋㅋㅋ Kim Hyun Joong is so shameless

8. [+7, -0] Even if they get back together, it's not like they're that popular anymore ㅋㅋㅋ

9. [+7, -1] Just stick to the three who sang 'I'm Your Man' and go back to making test banned songs... why stick Kim Hyun Joong in the mix

10. [+7, -3] SS501... as if they have any popularity to be reuniting with ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ...

11. [+6, -0] Kim Hyun Joong ignored all talks of reunions when he was popular so why does he want to now? ㅋㅋㅋ

12. [+6, -0] They're birds of a feather after all... they can get all the hate they want as long as they're still making enough money from international fans to be buying buildings and all that ㅡㅡ better to depend on Kim Hyun Joong than go broke
