[Updated] Onew posts handwritten apology 4 months after his scandal

Article: Onew writes handwritten apology 4 months after sexual harassment scandal "I'm sorry for disappointing you"

Source: No Cut News via Naver

1. [+204, -37] Why now? He should've put up an apology when it happened. Instead he was testing our reactions to gauge when he could come back and stuck his face in the season's greetings merchandise. Only after the sentiment grew negative and fans started petitioning for him to be kicked out of the group is he apologizing now.

2. [+175, -28] He's only apologizing so he can start promoting again~

3. [+158, -25] Nope, too late, go back

4. [+157, -28] You've already been on break for 4 months, why not take some more time? ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ Not like you have a family to feed, go live off of your savings and spare us the trouble

5. [+142, -30] The only solution is for you to leave the group. Do you think fans will accept you after what you've committed?

6. [+89, -20] Since when did all these apologies become acceptable to not include an actual apology? Are you only feeling the fire under your feet now that fans are petitioning to have you kicked from the group? If you have any shame left, volunteer to leave the group on your own

7. [+77, -19] Sure must've been hard to write that apology especially with all that work he's out of now

8. [+74, -17] An apology that never actually apologizes to the victim ^^...

9. [+72, -15] Did you enjoy your 4 month break? Seems like he took it as vacation time and not reflection time ㅎㅎㅎㅎ We no longer want to see you in SHINee so please leave the group and go solo or something

10. [+76, -20] The timing of this is amazing isn't it???? But it's too late now, just leave the group please


Article: [Official] Onew, "Sorry to fans... I will become a person befitting of SHINee" apology after 4 months

Source: Mydaily via Nate

1. [+2,045, -364] After 9 years, he's only now thinking of becoming a person befitting of SHINee, yeah well it's too late

2. [+1,691, -192] I don't know why these stars think they can forgive themselves

3. [+1,478, -312] It's so obvious why he's apologizing only now ㅋ so disingenuous

4. [+1,298, -286] Why only now? This week is Jonghyun's concert and Minho's birthday party ㅋㅋ talk about daebak timing.

5. [+1,174, -367] Can't be more shameless than this... made his fans live in hell for these past months

6. [+546, -161] This isn't an apology, it's a notice that he's going back to promoting

7. [+462, -163] Does he not think this is too late? ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ He seems to feel the fire lit under him now that fans are officially turning their backs on him

8. [+388, -98] Isn't it so obvious why he's apologizing? Stayed quiet all this time and only now when fans are pissed enough to start petitioning him to leave the group... Why now after 4 months of silence? It's like he was waiting to see if he could get away with it and realized he couldn't so he reluctantly put up an apology

9. [+447, -171] The fact that he wrote that he "took a break" instead of reflecting means his heart's not in this. What a waste of the 9 years I spent as your fan.

10. [+353, -115] Please stop denying your reality. Lee Jinki is a sex criminal. The first ever current idol to be a sex criminal.


Source: Nate

1. [+127, -11] Only after fans start petitioning him to leave... he's so sly

2. [+94, -7] Trying for a comeback?

3. [+22, -2] SHINee fans seem to be different from the other brainwashed fandoms... They know when to criticize wrong actions and take care of the other innocent members first

4. [+14, -11] He was probably waiting for the whole thing to blow over but now that fans are telling him to leave, he's putting out a late apology as if he's sorry

5. [+13, -7] Talk about crumbling your image in one moment...
