New girl group Busters' youngest member is 13 years old

Article: "We want to become a cute girl group like Twice unnis"

Source: Korea Econ via Naver

Members are 13, 14, and 16 years old, making them the youngest on the market.

1. [+471, -13] Isn't 13 years old too young;;

2. [+280, -7] Time sure flies, soon we'll be seeing a lot of celebrities born in the '00s

3. [+226, -12] They're so young... hate comments can be so hurtful at that age so please restrict yourselves

4. [+151, -13] They're super young... wishing them luck

5. [+42, -5] Can't believe Twice is old enough to have juniors of their own now

6. [+37, -4] Wouldn't hurt for them to debut after waiting a few more years... just focus on school for now and come back around graduation... they're too young~~

7. [+36, -3] I wish them luck but they're too young; they probably have to be sent home at 10 pm on the dot

8. [+29, -2] It's hard to gain fans when you're too young... anyway, I hope they don't get hurt! Wishing them luck to be on stage with Twice one day~!

9. [+27, -5] I remember i13 debuted like this and disappeared after barely a year

10. [+9, -0] Honestly too young... at that age, they're still learning things like character from their school and family environments that should be prioritized...

11. [+9, -0] I blame their CEO, he's crazy... they're at an age where they should be hanging out with friends and making memories

12. [+9, -0] This is not a girl group, this is a baby group!

13. [+8, -0] 6th grade in elementary school, first and third grade in junior high ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ they're not even high schoolers
