'Real Men' PD to launch a new variety about experiencing jail life

Article: [Exclusive] 'Real Men' PD Kim Min Jong to launch a new variety show about experiencing life in jail

Source: Star News via Naver

The YG producer will be launching a variety show modeled after 'Real Men' but instead of the army, celebrities will experience life in jail.

1. [+6,460, -47] This is crazy

2. [+5,408, -38] Jail is a place to lock up criminals in, what place does a variety have in it?? It's like trying to do a variety show at a funeral home. This is going to come back to bite him.

3. [+3,494, -25] Of all places, the jail

4. [+2,824, -25] Um... this feels a bit... jail though?

5. [+812, -6] Are they insane? This is disgusting

6. [+759, -5] Jail is no place for a variety setting. How are they even going to depict it? A decent place to live? A difficult place to stand? Please quit the idea for the sake of our society

7. [+733, -5] Why would anyone want to experience jail?

8. [+674, -6] Unless they depict jail as a truly horrible place to be, the variety is only going to serve to raise crime rates with people thinking jail isn't that bad


Article: YG's new variety expected to gain hate for jail experience

Source: Newsen via Nate

1. [+102, -6] Doesn't YG have a lot of artists who should actually be in jail, not just experiencing it?

2. [+65, -3] Please don't give criminals an opportunity to give sob stories

3. [+14, -7] Are they insane?

4. [+14, -8] #1 castings GD, TOP, and Kangin

5. [+12, -5] I'll watch it if they cast GD, Park Bom, and TOP

6. [+10, -1] Jail is not a place to "experience", this is crazy...

7. [+10, -5] I wonder how much they intend on glamorizing jail life

8. [+7, -1] This PD is seriously screwing over YG with this idea ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
