Kang Jiyoung cosplays as the homeless in new selcas

Article: Kang Jiyoung takes comedic homeless selcas "I've become homeless in Japan"

Source: Herald Pop via Nate

"Homeless! Discovered 5 yen"

1. [+222, -17] Is she serious? Does she think the homeless are people to cosplay as a joke? tsk tsk

2. [+164, -8] Don't give this Japanese b*tch any attention

3. [+117, -9] Is she really making a joke out of the homeless?

4. [+15, -2] How can you think the poverty of another is something to cosplay? Does she have a brain?

5. [+9, -3] Atention wh*re

6. [+8, -1] This is disgusting, she deserves to eat  a bowl of crap for this

7. [+7, -2] After that whole scandal with Lee Seung Yeon doing a nude photobook cosplaying comfort women, this is probably the second most inappropriate photo to take

8. [+5, -1] Does she really think this is funny?

9. [+4, -0] Meanwhile the actual homeless are fighting life or death out in the cold right now..

10. [+4, -0] Does she not realize that this is the perfect concept to get hate for?
