B1A4's dongsaeng group ONF confirmed for 'Mix Nine'

Article: [Official] 'B1A4 dongsaeng' ONF confirmed for 'Mix Nine'... "After long deliberation"

Source: OSEN via Naver

1. [+404, -3] They would've been better off going on 'Produce 101' before debut...

2. [+396, -3] They're barely two months into debut and already being treated like flops... ^^

3. [+234, -5] ? ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ What long deliberation?

4. [+228, -4] I knew there was something wrong when their company promised two new debuts this year when they were barely managing B1A4 and Oh My Girl. One album out for each and then straight to the backburner... that's 8 members that they're jeopardizing the futures of (I and ONF). 'Produce 101' would've been better than this... why purposely make kids who've trained for as long as 6 years suffer like this?

5. [+141, -2] This makes me so sad because it reminds me of the members talking about going through really difficult survivals and training for nearly 6 years at their showcase... Why do they have to go through this again? Just let them promote happily...

6. [+42, -0] ONF is a total rookie group barely two months into debut... they have a bright future ahead of them so why put them on this show? Some of the members have already gone through survivals and have been eliminated, why hurt them again? What's wrong with WM lately? Even I has gone through 9 months into debut with nothing to show for it only to end up on 'The Unit'... please manage your rookies better

7. [+39, -0] Why a group that has barely debuted...?

8. [+31, -0] They're just 60 days into debut... why split a group that's already debuted together like this?

9. [+27, -0] I don't think I can stomach this. The members already went through such long training periods to finally debut and now they're being forced to do it all over again?

10. [+27, -0] Feels a bit cruel for a group that hasn't even had the opportunity to show their potential yet
