Mamamoo suffers a minor accident with "no injuries"

Article: [Exclusive] Mamamoo suffers a minor car accident on the 13th "no injuries"

Source: News 1 via Naver

1. [+1,085, -25] What do you mean you're taking them to the hospital as soon as the sun comes up, shouldn't you be getting them checked immediately?

2. [+882, -33] No injuries? Such lies. We all saw the members bruised up and covered in bandages, what's that about then?

3. [+814, -22] So many girl group car accident news lately... hopefully nothing's wrong ㅠㅠ

4. [+345, -6] The members were seen with bruises and bandages, what do you mean "no injuries"??? Why would you have them still perform after suffering a car accident? A girl group that got in an accident just a few days ago canceled all their schedules and were sent straight to the hospital. What about you???

5. [+140, -2] So many things wrong with the company's statement ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ "taking them to the hospital as soon as the sun comes up", "members are determined to continue"... This is so wrong, would it kill the staff to put up some notices on the fancafe for all the worried fans?

6. [+110, -1] They do realize that hospitals are open at night too, right? Why wait until morning?

7. [+107, -1] How're they going to explain the bruises on their arms and the bandages while claiming "no injuries"? They were in a car accident last year too and were still forced to perform on stage right after. Are they insane?

8. [+97, -1] The members went up to perform with bandages on their arms... Excuse me but isn't the correct course of action to take them to the hospital after a car accident? Please give us feedback on this
