Heo Chanmi to try again for idol debut with Yang Hyun Suk's 'Mix Nine'

Article: [Exclusive] 'Produce 101' trainee Heo Chanmi to go on 'Mix Nine'... meeting with Yang Hyun Suk

Source: Sports Chosun via Naver

1. [+669, -7] I guess it's too hard for her to give up now...

2. [+636, -18] Talk about a life of ups and downs, starting with her almost debuting with SNSD

3. [+594, -28] Sigh... she probably can't give up her dreams after seeing her fellow trainees working as stars now... and she knows she's talented so she keeps trying here and there for opportunities... and yet she keeps getting older and older.. I really feel bad for her.

4. [+475, -22] She's pretty much at the max age limit for girl groups now, I don't think she has much of a chance left of becoming an idol. She should look into varieties or supporting roles in acting... All of the new girl groups are so young, it'd be imbalanced.

5. [+335, -26] She should stick to being a vocal trainer

6. [+121, -5] She was just never meant to make it. She was even on 'Produce 101' and didn't get famous. She seems really stubborn.

7. [+132, -9] Honestly her face... isn't the celebrity face. And her skills aren't like... wow daebak... Why doesn't she start her own dance academy or something?

8. [+106, -4] I feel a bit bad for her. It'd be great if she stood out enough to debut but.. ㅠㅠ she should consider other career paths like vocal trainers... she'd be really popular

9. [+90, -3] ㅠㅠ Seems like she doesn't have anyone around her to tell it to her like it is

10. [+88, -5] I'm sure the new trainees have at least a 15 year age gap with her... such an imbalanced team
