DAY6 releases heartbreak song "I Loved You"

Article: "I Loved You" DAY6's heartbreaking break up recovery song

Source: Ilgan Sports via Naver

1. [+504, -2] I like all of their songs, I wish them the best fighting

2. [+365, -2] Their new song exceeded my expectations~ I've been enjoying their releases every month ㅎㅎㅎ 'Letting Go' is my personal favorite ㅎㅎ sending my support~

3. [+334, -1] Not even kidding when I say I took a listen to one song and ended up listening to everything and now I listen to them every day. Thank you for releasing these great songs.

4. [+313, -2] Such a perfect song for the weather lately ❤❤❤

5. [+67, -1] As the saying goes, there may be people who have never heard DAY6's songs but never anyone who has only listened once!!! ❤

6. [+66, -1] DAY6 jjang

7. [+63, -1] Definitely a must listen :) a perfect fit for today's weather. Thank you for the songs every month!

8. [+54, -0] A must listen!!!!
