Hong Suk Chun opens up about receiving celebrity sponsor offers

Article: Hong Suk Chun surprise reveal, "I get a lot of calls from celebrity sponsor brokers"

Source: Mydaily via Nate

"I honestly receive a lot of such calls. They'll either call me or come find me at my business. They'll explain the wealthy figures that they know and ask to be introduced to celebrities who are in need of such wealth. And if they have a client who wishes to meet a particular celebrity, they'll come find me if I happen to know that celebrity.

They usually want to meet about twice a month to eat, go golfing, and an extra plus of something. Some people will pay 20 million won up to 50 million won a month for such arrangements. Of course I reject these offers saying I'm not that type of person."


1. [+948, -12] There's only a very thin line separating the celebrity industry with prostitution

2. [+804, -18] As expected of the celebrity industry... no wonder Yun Jung Hoon rushed Han Ga In into marrying him so fast

3. [+100, -2] Honestly, celebrities who have sponsors have no right to look down on prostitutes. Just because they don't do it outright doesn't change the fact that they're being paid to sell their bodies. This goes for both male and female celebrities. Disgusting, really... and once they get popular, they scrub their pasts clean and act as if they've lived a lavish, privileged lifestyle all their lives ㅋㅋ gross

4. [+85, -1] The celebrity industry and politics are probably the most corrupted

5. [+59, -1] There are so many pretty celebrity trainees... so when I see random kids lacking in visuals get lead roles and all, I have to wonder.... hmmmmm.....

6. [+57, -3] I wish someone would release some celebrity X-files like they did in the past ㅋㅋ

7. [+55, -1] Sponsors are just that... remember when Sung Hyun Ah said she had to go out to serve her sponsor even after she got married?

8. [+52, -1] Lee Hwi Jae said in the past that no matter if he found the most beautiful woman closest to his ideal type, he'd never date a female celebrity...

9. [+49, -0] Sponsors spend 50 million won on them a month ㅋㅋ There are seriously people in this world that can spend 50 million won a month on having a female star eat a few meals with him, drink with him, and do it with him... how ridiculous ㅋ

10. [+48, -0] Sponsors have always been a part of the industry. It's unfortunate for cases like Jung Ja Yeon who died over it.

11. [+48, -2] I guess it's true that female celebrities get sponsor offers before their debut or during their rookie days. Although the focus of the contract is probably not just on going golfing and eating meals together

12. [+43, -0] It's already been in the news that it costs $1,500 for a night with a celebrity trainee. None of this is surprising.

13. [+42, -1] Park Ji Sung's father said with reason: "I will never allow my son to marry a celebrity."

14. [+32, -3] Sure the celebrities are dirty for taking these offers but think of the sponsors too.. to have that kind of wealth, they're obviously men in their forties, fifties, sixties, probably all married men to boot. Even Kim Moo Sung was against his daughter's marriage until she had to cry and beg him and look at what her husband goes and does.. he sponsors a celebrity.
