korean dramas
TV: [Spoilers!!!] Reply 1988
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Article: 'Reply' Love rides the manito... 5-person relationship begins
Source: X Sports News via Naver
1. [+8,950, -78] Jungbong-ah... what's going on ㅠㅠ
2. [+8,622, -142] Taek is so good at acting, it makes me so sad seeing him cry
3. [+5,940, -183] Supporting you, Junghwan-ah ㅠㅠ
4. [+5,222, -166] Ryu Jun Yeol was crazy today, totally assaulted my heart ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
5. [+4,445, -125] Jungpal!!!!!!!!
6. [+1,585, -40] Why didn't Taek and Duksun watch the movie...
7. [+1,549, -39] This drama is so disgustingly fun
8. [+1,551, -48] Junghwan made my heart flutter... said he came because he thought she was alone.
Article: 'Reply' Ryu Jun Yeol shows his feelings for Hyeri 'heart flutter'
Source: Herald Econ via Daum
1. [+569, -9] He's crazy, he's crazy!!!!! Omo, this ugly but handsome young man will be the death of me ㅠㅠ
2. [+539, -5] Made me choke up seeing Shin Hae Chul's college days in the middle of the drama
3. [+329, -17] ...... Taek made my heart burst today
Source: Nate
1. [+580, -8] Duksun, if you still haven't caught on by now, you're the Buddha
2. [+542, -9] Jungpal's character is so bursting with charms... made my heart burst again today ㅠㅠ
3. [+482, -9] Ah... Jungpal-ah ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ He expressed himself lots today
4. [+45, -3] But today's episode made it seem like Taek's dad and Sunwoo's mom could get back together.. they had a lot of scenes together. Does that mean Jinjoo and Taek can't get married?
5. [+39, -6] What about the movie!!! When are you seeing the movie with Taek ㅜㅜ