Seo In Young releases provocative MV teaser

Article: Seo In Young releases 19+ rated MV teaser with whipping + lesbian scene

Source: Newsen via Nate

1. [+550, -29] Now what's going on with her?

2. [+504, -28] What a mess... what's going on in the music industry right now

3. [+476, -27] Draw a line. Just because you call it art doesn't make everything special and unique.

4. [+33, -4] IU-ya, how about you label your album 19+ rated and do whatever you want instead of doing dirty things under the covers like this

5. [+26, -5] I don't think this is an issue because she labeled this 19+ while IU's album is open for everyone

6. [+25, -4] The music industry's a mess right now

7. [+18, -6] Is she too dumb to realize what's been going on in the music industry right now?

8. [+12, -1] People are trying to pull off all sorts of things in the name of art now but they all just end up looking foolish.

9. [+12, -0] Looks like she's resorting to this because her last ballad release didn't do well
