Roy Kim earns straight As at Georgetown

Article: [Exclusive] Roy Kim gets all As again at Georgetown University

Source: Ilgan Sports via Nate

1. [+537, -58] Amazing. Pursues a career that he wants while still maintaining outstanding performance in his academics. He's no average man.

2. [+454, -55] It's like he lives in his own world ㅋㅋㅋ

3. [+364, -45] Georgetown's a prestigious school as well... he must be so happy

4. [+45, -9] Born into wealth + won Superstar K + has brains + handsome face... just so jealous

5. [+40, -7] I attend Georgetown and I see him often at the library. He's handsome indeed but so frail and thin... and he's conscious of how people look at him and dresses well all the time.


Source: Naver

1. [+7,341, -503] What the, he's perfect.....

2. [+6,099, -449] Sings well, studies well, handsome to boot

3. [+5,338, -393] He has it all ㅠㅠ He has it all indeed ㅠㅠ

4. [+732, -91] It's hard to get good grades in American schools, amazing...

5. [+715, -86] I remember he said that he crash studies 3 days before his exams and he still gets all As...

6. [+669, -87] He excels in both music and academics, damn..

7. [+597, -58] As long as he doesn't get into any scandals, his celebrity career looks solid from here... he's the real mother's friend's son.. good grades, wealthy family ㅠㅠ

8. [+469, -67] He's the kind of son I want when I have kids

9. [+200, -24] When he won 'Superstar K' and said that he was going to still continue his academics while pursuing music, I didn't think he could do it... but his determination and passion must be through the roof. Three years into his debut and he has three full albums while still maintaining his grades. Just amazing.

10. [+191, -24] Wealth, smarts, looks, hard working... can he give me one of those ㅠ
