Nine Muses' Hyuna takes a sexy photo for 'Arena'

Article: Hyuna, provocative bra exposure... shows off sexy volume

Source: Bridge Econ via Nate

1. [+536, -33] You bastard of a journalist... Stick Nine Muses in the title. Why would anyone know who she is based off of her name alone. Of course everyone would think she's 4minute's Hyuna

2. [+302, -112] I like her better than 4minute's Hyuna... but man does Nine Muses struggle for popularity

3. [+185, -51] Her chest looks fake

4. [+19, -13] So many pretty kids in Nine Muses but none of them get anywhere

5. [+9, -0] Raise your hand if you clicked this article thinking it was 4minute Hyuna

6. [+8, -4] Dammit, I was tricked ㅡㅡ;;

7. [+7, -0] I thought it was 4minute's Hyuna... I thought her face changed so much

8. [+6, -1] I wouldn't have clicked this if I knew she was Nine Muses' Hyuna

9. [+5, -1] Right when Nine Muses was about to get a breath above water, Sera left and then Eunji left... and then their new members dropped the average visual of the group down.

10. [+4, -0] What the, thought Hyuna got a nose job for a second ㅡㅡ
