'K-Pop Star 4' winner Katie Kim drops 10 kg by suggestion of YG

Article: 'K-Pop Star' Katie Kim, "I lost 10 kg by suggestion of YG"

Source: OSEN via Daum

1. [+165, -4] Dieting is seriously the best plastic surgery. Looking forward to your debut!!

2. [+115, -2] She was a cutie before her diet but now she's gotten much prettier.

3. [+77, -22] She got prettier. Her eyes look bigger too. Did she get them done? Either way, a healthy diet is the best plastic surgery there is.

4. [+10, -0] Katie's fans are probably nervous about when she's going to diet... but the majority of YG fans are already used to waiting so they're not worried at all. What a predicament...


Source: Nate

1. [+171, -2] Proof once again that dieting is the best

2. [+132, -22] She got pretty from losing weight but let's not go around calling her a goddess.. naming the article title like that will just get her hate.

3. [+53, -0] Wow, she's the type to turn her life around with this diet. She wasn't ugly when she was heavier but cute. Now that she lost weight, she's lovely and feminine looking. Lucky.. I don't look pretty even after weight loss ㅜ.ㅜ

4. [+9, -1] I was so surprised when I saw her at the epilogue of last week's K-Pop star! She got so pretty, what a cutie ㅋㅋㅋ She was cute when she was chubby but this just proves that dieting is the best plastic surgery for women ㅠㅠ

5. [+7, -1] Is it just weight loss? Her eyes look different... or maybe it's just me

6. [+7, -0] Barely recognized her

7. [+5, -1] Wow... she's a winner but this is my first time hearing about her..

8. [+3, -1] She definitely got her eyes done, natural my butt ㅋㅋ
