Jung Hyung Don's anxiety disorder shows it isn't all smiles and easy money for variety stars

Article: Variety stars have it easy? The reality says otherwise

Source: Sports Donga via Daum

1. [+1,059, -85] These are people who are paid $5,000-10,000 USD an episode while the rest of us are making $20-30,000 a year, waking up at 6 am and getting off work at 10 pm, forced to attend company dinners where we're forced to drink and forced to come in to work on Saturdays and Sundays. If we want to save up for our own house, we have to save frugally for at least 5 years, not eating what we want or buying what we want to wear. Nevermind all the taxes that we have to pay on top of the expenses that come with marriage and having children... How can we sympathize with variety stars when the rest of us are living like this????????

2. [+784, -36] Anyone who has a job... probably lives with the amount of pressure they do, they just don't say it in words..

3. [+592, -23] So what.. what do you want us to do about it?

4. [+242, -6] The article is basically putting down netizens for assuming that variety stars get to make money having tons of fun on TV. Sure they must suffer for a bit but in terms of shows like '1N2D', they get paid $8,000 USD to go hang out at a nice tourist spot for a night while the rest of us have to save frugally for three years to make that kind of money in savings. It's not fair to accuse netizens for feeling this way.

5. [+233, -9] So what??? They make that much more money to make up for it. They themselves are products they're selling. Why should we be concerned about that? If they think it's unfair, then they should choose a job with less tress and less money.

6. [+210, -6] Ah, I see, so celebrities are suffering too... what do you want us to do about it? Set up a charity fund for them and donate to it???!!!

7. [+204, -5] Who doesn't have it hard in Korea? Who isn't working hard? Everyone is working hard with what they're given and have their own struggles and stresses. The only difference is that celebrities are better compensated for those struggles than the rest of us. While some of us work all day long for a few dozen bucks, they make what we make in a year by just showing their face on TV for a brief moment. That's unfair.

8. [+198, -5] It's laughable, really. They're being paid way differently than the rest of us who have to hold in all of our mental and emotional pains to get paid at the end of the month.

9. [+116, -2] The difference is that celebrities can choose to go on hiatus if they want while the rest of us are pretty much condemning our families to death if we choose to stop working.

10. [+97, -1] There are many more people out there who are more sick than Jung Hyung Don but have to work every day to make ends meet......

11. [+94, -1] Life is hard for them? It's miserable? They're going crazy? Yeah... it's like that for the rest of us too.
