Jackson reveals having a small head is a diss in Hong Kong

Article: Got7's Jackson, "Saying someone has a small head in Hong Kong is a diss but a praise in Korea"

Source: Newsen via Nate

1. [+530, -9] I think Koreans are way too obsessed with head sizes...

2. [+381, -91] I think the head size obsession started with Lee Hwi Jae. People were obsessed with having long legs when he was popular and then that spread to head sizes too.

3. [+290, -8] There's nothing wrong with being jealous of a trait someone else has but Koreans go past it to the point of praising them for it. Having double eyelids was seen as something special before it became standardized and now that it's something everyone can get through surgery, people have moved on to obsessing over head sizes. Not a good thing.

4. [+22, -37] I don't think the obsession was as big until shows like 'Infinity Challenge' started playing it up. They'd diss Noh Hong Chul for having a big head in the captions and make fun of the members with big heads while Yoo Jae Suk or Taeho PD would get praised for having small heads.

5. [+20, -11] Women are prettier with small heads... but I don't really like men with small heads. They don't seem masculine. Kim Soo Hyun may be called handsome and all but he looks like a kid to me.

6. [+16, -2] But it's true that having a small head helps a lot visually because it makes your body look longer proportion wise

7. [+14, -0] It's because Korea has a culture where you're immediately judged for what you look like the outside. From head sizes to plastic surgery, what you're wearing, your height... what a frustrating way to live.

8. [+10, -3] You have to be honest though, having a small head makes your proportions look better even next to someone of the same height. And it makes your facial features stand out more too. It's a real fact you can't deny.

9. [+7, -2] Sorry, it's because Korea's crazy

10. [+6, -1] I think all foreigners have said so far that having a small head is considered a diss. I hate how Koreans make it seem like having a small head is praised in other cultures too ㅋㅋㅋ
