Hani stuns in her latex suit at 'Show Champion' comeback

Article: Hani, her luxurious body calls for bad manner hands (Show Champion)

Source: Sports Today via Nate

1. [+227, -57] Great stage today, Solji's voice is as refreshing as ever whenever you listen to it ^^

2. [+200, -65] Love Hani!

3. [+150, -48] Check out their title track 'Hot Pink' music video here too https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8NaeaLW8CLY

4. [+35, -9] The song's #1 on Bugs chart and it was released today too

5. [+23, -0] I think the title of this article is extremely thoughtless. Does nobody realize how violent it is to claim that a nice looking body attracts sexual harassment? It's also disrespectful to the dancers... this was a staged performance, don't treat them like they're sexual predators. As a journalist, you should know better, especially since little kids read this too.

6. [+20, -2] That article title... It just reinforces the belief that any woman who dresses scantily attracts sexual harassment and assault. In a generation like today, please be more considerate of article titles.

7. [+19, -2] Those damn bad manner hands... more like bad manner article title.

8. [+17, -1] What a horrible article title. A pretty body is not there for people to touch and take advantage of. I'd sue the journalist for this title.

9. [+17, -4] Weird article title... a good looking body shouldn't attract bad manner hands..

10. [+16, -2] Look at that article title
