Enes Kaya signs with Lee Tae Im's agency to restart Korean activities

Article: Enes Kaya signs exclusive contract with Lee Tae Im's agency... back to broadcast activities [official statement]

Source: Sports Donga via Naver

1. [+17,086, -193] Is he crazy???

2. [+11,605, -146] Do they really have no one else to sign than him... why him of all people...

3. [+8,312, -109] ????????????

4. [+6,936, -94] That agency's crazy, please don't make us have to watch a guy like that on TV, this is gross

5. [+6,406, -128] ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

6. [+2,731, -32] This is disgusting... is Korea that easy to him?

7. [+2,722, -51] Does that agency specialize in scouting people with issues??

8. [+2,299, -22] He obviously must take Koreans for fools


Source: Nate

1. [+800, -8] This agency will be known for its noise marketing now

2. [+687, -9] So he's just straight up saying he wants to be a TV star with his own agency and all. I can't believe an agency even gave him a contract. Do they really see any worth in him as a TV star?

3. [+592, -16] Is he not making enough money in his home country or something?

4. [+50, -1] Just as Lee Tae Im was fixing up her image after going on 'SNL' and all, she's stuck with this guy to deal with now ㅋㅋㅋ

5. [+45, -2] Screw off


Article: Enes Kaya reps, "Cleared of suspicions of pretending to be a bachelor in lawsuit with A"

Source: Sports Chosun via Nate

1. [+496, -12] Wow, this agency is hopeless. No wonder he doesn't want to leave Korea, he clearly sees room for him here.

2. [+464, -31] He might've been cleared for accusations on acting like a bachelor but he still lied to the entire country

3. [+412, -28] Just how much money did they feed the judge that a bastard like this gets off scot free? So he thinks he can go back to promoting because he's been cleared? A TV star's career is completely dependent on his image, does he really see hope for himself?

4. [+30, -1] Just how much of an idiot does he think he we are that he thinks we'll love him again? This bastard shows what foreigners really think of our country

5. [+21, -1] In a country where adultery isn't even illegal anymore, what did the court expect to charge him for anyway? Even if he did act like a bachelor, so what? But the fact that he thinks what he did is okay and that he can get back on broadcast just shows how much of a trash he really is.


Article: Enes Kaya's return, is the public ready to accept him back?

Source: OSEN via Naver

1. [+3,565, -71] I'd rather not see him on TV

2. [+3,346, -52] Exactly where is he crawling back to? Does he take Korea for fools?

3. [+2,811, -46] No, we're not ready to take him back.. He needs to go back to Turkey.

4. [+2,129, -42] I can already hear people changing the channel

5. [+505, -6] Why should we care to watch a married, adulterous foreigner man on TV?
