Dangerous side effects of girl group carboxy shots on the rise

Article: A girl group body in one shot?... side effects on the rise of 'diet shots'

Source: JTBC via Nate

1. [+174, -32] Girl groups obviously do extra exercise and dance for hours on top of those shots... They don't get those bodies just from those shots alone... Everyone should go buy a nice pair of sneakers for the money they're spending on these shots and go for a run. But it's cold, you say??? And you'd rather go to the gym?? There are tons of empty athletic fields at schools nearby~

2. [+125, -14] A real beautiful body is one that's toned through exercise. Spend at least 30 minutes on exercise instead of getting these shots.

3. [+92, -14] Two years ago, I took two months of these shots and suffered side effects. Even with the shots, you end up gaining twice the weight back if you don't do follow up management. Only take the shots if you're willing to take the side effect risks. Honestly though, the shots really were effective.. just that you have to keep exercising during and after the shots to maintain it. Also, research the hospital you're getting the shots from, don't just go to some cheap place.

4. [+22, -6] Instead of wasting time at cafes taking selcas and updating your SNS, go work out at the gym;;; instead of relying on unsafe procedures like this.. ㅡㅡ

5. [+20, -4] I wonder how dumb you have to be when it's been proven time and time again that managing your diet and exercising is the healthiest way to lose weight and yet you still resort to getting shots with known health risks. Aren't they scared? Or do they think they won't be affected by it?

6. [+18, -0] Women... do you not know how hard girl groups manage their bodies? The couple minutes you spend at the gym is nothing to them. They exercise as much as most men do. They're only girl groups in name but based on their activities alone, they're probably more aptly called athletes or fitness stars. Don't expect to achieve their bodies by just sitting around doing nothing.

7. [+16, -3] Sigh.. it's not like these girl groups got their bodies randomly one morning.. You can't expect girl group results over one shot.. They've been sweating blood and tears since pre-debut to achieve the bodies they have now.

8. [+13, -1] I have a cousin in my forties and she spent her twenties taking diet pills and all of the side effects are hitting her now. She had to take a break from work and can't do anything but lay down at home. Just stick to healthy eating and exercise for diets...

9. [+12, -0] I'm pretty sure they make you cut down on food even after taking the shots... and exercise too. It's not just taking the shot alone that will make you magically lose weight.

10. [+10, -2] I'd rather believe a shot that makes you score 100% on the college entrance exam than a shot like this ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
