Big Bang, Hyukoh, A Pink, San-E confirm '2015 Melon Music Awards' attendance

Article: Big Bang, Hyukoh, A Pink, San-E confirm 2015 MMA attendance

Source: X Sports News via Naver

1. [+646, -81] Wow, Big Bang and Hyukoh ㅋㅋㅋㅋ it's game over, talk about daebak for this year's MMA

2. [+593, -87] 2015 is honestly meaningless if you don't have Big Bang.. ㅋ

3. [+485, -57] Finally...! Big Bang!

4. [+429, -54] Ooh~ Looking forward to both Big Bang and Hyukoh ㅎㅎ

5. [+72, -3] MAMA's being so noisy claiming that they never got contact from Big Bang but look at MMA go ahead and confirm it like this

6. [+68, -4] Will definitely be checking it out this year for Big Bang!!

7. [+81, -18] An award ceremony without Big Bang is like a red bean bun with no red beans

8. [+17, -3] Hopefully Big Bang is confirmed for MAMA too. Will be checking out the MMA live. Have been waiting to see Big Bang in Korea ㅋㅋ
