Yang Hyun Suk proposes revealing sajaegi identities after investigations

Article: YG reps, "We need to investigate singers with digital sajaegi and release their names publicly" (official statement)

Source: Ilgan Sports via Nate

1. [+895, -91] Why wasn't he this proactive about investigations into Park Bom's drugs, GD's marijuana, Seungri's car accident?? And why is he staying quiet on the illegal business operations of his Hongdae club???

2. [+733, -68] Ah, yes, what a great idea, if only he would take as big of an interest in his own drug issues and media play about it every day too. I like how he shuts up about articles that get thousands of comments but is picky and choosy about his own media play.

3. [+661, -59] Can we also release the names of the celebrities related to drug scandals who have been controversial with viewers

4. [+39, -2] Funny coming from a company who seems to be above the law ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

5. [+36, -1] We can start with investigations into your own scandals first

6. [+32, -3] Drugs aren't a big deal to your company, why should sajaegi be

7. [+28, -2] They're so shameless.. ㅋ rotten to the core like our government..

8. [+25, -4] You do realize that drugs are worse than sajaegi?

9. [+24, -1] Investigations? Do they have no shame using that word considering their own scandals? Funny ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

10. [+24, -2] Investigate your own drugs first


Article: YG Yang Hyun Suk CEO, "Identities must be revealed for sajaegi to stop"

Source: Ilgan Sports via Naver

1. [+12,607, -2,883] Let's start by investigating your drug smuggling scandal first

2. [+7,761, -221] If they do release the names, their company stocks will hit rock bottom while the singer gets completely exiled from the industry

3. [+6,320, -161] Sajaegi does need proper investigations...

4. [+2,003, -239] I had no idea he could talk so well ㅋㅋ thought he was a mute because he stayed so quiet during Park Bom's scandal ㅎㅎ

5. [+1,696, -266] Who does Yang Hyun Suk think he is to be demanding investigations. He should start by setting an example and launching proper investigations into his own drug scandals.

6. [+1,620, -232] ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ You should get your drug investigations sorted out before you say crap like this because drugs >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> sajaegi

7. [+1,249, -240] We're past the generation where anyone believes your media play like this... so let's begin with your drug investigations
